Here's how my DPS started off:
I really didn't like the way I had put the photos on, and I couldn't get the photos to blend into the background well.
I used Picasa to get the text onto the photo.
Then I tried again on Picnik to get the photos the right colour to blend into the background. I had to flip a photo of M. Shadows, because he was facing to the right and it just looked wrong, so now he is facing the left. Here are a few of my failed tries:
These photos didnt blend into the background well enough, then I jumbled around the photos to make the brighter ones to be closer to the top of the page, where the fire is, and the darker ones to the bottom of the page.
Then I wrote the review itself. This is the body of the text:
"Tonight's Halloween gig will certainly be one to go down in history, and what better way to start off the night with Avenged Sevenfold as they take to the stage flanked by a trio of sinister looking gates and a huge painted deathbat, and then the place spontaneously erupts.
The darkly atmospheric "Nightmare" eases us in - evil laughs, phantom keyboards and all - before "Welcome To The Family" and "Beast And The Harlot" crank the energy levels sky high. They slow things down mid-set with singer M. Shadows delivering a tribute to their departed drummer - Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan, which avoids being trite and is instead necessary and affecting. "So Far Away" is delivered with grace and poignancy.
As we're reminded tonight, A7X are so important, even God is waging war on them, as M. Shadows informs "We're going to hell for writing this song!" before "God Hates Us". This is then followed by the oldest surviving song in the set - "Unholy Confessions". Soon after, "Almost Easy" brings things to a gloriously flashy climax with the band mixing those fluid sinuous solos and licks with sharper edged riffs and clean, clear vocal melodies.
Avenged Sevenfold will be continuing their tour throughout the UK."
And this is the final piece: